What a glorious day at Goodwood revival on Sunday!

Me and my man dressed up in our vintage garb (I decided against the dress from last week’s post, It was too darn hot!), and strolled out for a day of motor racing and merriment at Goodwood’s famous race track in West Sussex.


We all dressed up for the occasion, some more reluctantly than others.


Champagne picnic for breakfast? Don’t mind if I do.


We wandered past shoe-shiners…


We visited the beach…


and met a fortune teller…


Then took a donkey ride….


And saw photo opportunities too good to miss…


Which would you have been, a mod…


or a rocker?


An opportunity to top-up the lippy.


We stumbled across this corner of Americana with a converted Airstream trailer with a Rock and Roll band that you just couldn’t stand still to.


I’d loved to have joined in with the dancing but theses guys were REALLY good and hypnotic to watch.

On the wish-list for my autumn wardrobe are a pair of trousers like these…


They are fabulous!

I also want to make a little blouse from one of the many vintage patterns on the market, I’m thinking cap sleeves, tiny mother of pearl buttons and maybe a few pin tucks…

Our champagne fuelled journey continued into the shopping village, and with the thought of a new blouse in mind I was thrilled to find a fabric shop, selling fabric by the metre and genuine vintage dress patterns.

These are a few of my favourite florals from ‘Til the sun goes down’, beautiful fabrics inspired by vintage designs from 1920’s-1960’s.


You can find the wonderful collection of screen printed silks and cottons here (I’m planning a purchase as I write this).

Then we saw this little beauty. I may design my entire kitchen round the style of this gorgeous Buick. Maybe a fridge in mint green….


Sod the fridge I need one of these in my kitchen instead!


As you’d expect the outfits and vintage textiles were a bit of a pre-occupation for me. Here are a few of my favourite outfits from the weekend…

The afternoon concluded with an air show. The last two remaining Lancasters took to the skies rendering us all but speechless and turning the men-folk back into over-excited boys.


After an amazing day, we headed home to a roast dinner and put up those aching feet.


Goodbye from Goodwood! x